We offer a range of payment options for you to pay for your subscription. You can pay by Direct Debit, BillPay, Direct Credit, Credit Card, or in person at selected New Zealand Post Shops, throughout the country.
1. Direct Credit / BillPay – (You can set this up through your nominated Bank as ‘Bill Payee’. This way, you can make payments when it is convenient for you.)
- Our Account Name: Stuff Limited
- Our Bank Account: 02-0500-0700089-012 (BNZ)
- Reference: (Subscriber Account number)
Please quote the reference above when making a payment and email your remittance advice to receivables@stuff.co.nz (so we allocate your payment to your subscription account).
2. NZ Post Shop - Present your payment slip when making your payment at any NZ Post Shop. There is a barcode on your invoice that will link your payment to your subscription account.
Please Note: NZ Post will charge a $1.50 transaction fee for any payment they take on our behalf.
3. Direct Debit - Please fill out the attached form. Sign and Date both sides before sending into us at the address below.
Direct Debit payments are debited from your bank account on the 20th day of the month. If this day falls on a weekend or on a Public Holiday, the debit will occur on the next business day.
Return completed form to:
Stuff Ltd - Subscriptions
PO Box 3740
Wellington 6140